Jennie Miller Psychotherapy & Couples Counselling Edinburgh 07778 896589

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I worked at The Priory Hospital, running groups including depression and loss, seeing individuals and couples.

I have also delivered training for the MOD on TA and Couples work.

I now work in private practice seeing individuals for a range of problems and couples. I am interested in clients achieving a healthy balance to their lives. We often don't realise the impact stressful times can have long term on our sleep, health and well being.

I have gained the following qualifications.

PTSTA. Endorsed as a supervisor and trainer. 2013. The European Association of Transactional Analysis.

MSc Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. 2011. Middlesex University.

CTA. Certified Transactional Analysist.2011. EATA.

Diploma in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. 2011. The Metanoia Institute.

Diploma in Clinical Supervision. 2015. The Metanoia Institute.

Certificate in Supervision.2013. The Metanoia Institute .

Certificate in Couples Work 2008. The Metanoia Institute .

Diploma in Humanistic Counselling based on Transactional Analysis. 2003. Peter Symonds College Adult Education.

Transactional Analysis 101 Certificate.2000. ITA.

RSA Certificate in Counselling Skills. 2000. OCR.

Memberships and codes of practice:

UK Council of Psychotherapy ( UKCP) www.psychotherapy.

UK Association of Transactional Analysis






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